The simplest, most visual and practical way to organize all your social networks.

The template that will organize your life, will create content with the help of Artificial Intelligence and leverage your social networks – whether it’s your company or a personal project.

Used by 83 people daily

What will you achieve by having access to the Content Factory?

Visual organization in the Kanban model or any other model you wish.

For all Social Networks

Never forget a content idea again.

Extra template to automate content production with just the click of a button.

New and free tools to speed up your creation process.

Boost your results with ubiquity on the internet:

Okay, but tell me everything about the template

Full View

Within the template you will be able to: manage all your social networks and see in the most visual way possible (more than any calendar) all the posts scheduled, to be made and posted.

Interactive and Dynamic

Interactive Dashboard to see the main indicators and goals of your main social networks with just one click.

Manage all your Networks

You will be able to see all your social networks separately and evaluate the best strategies for each of them.

Set and Track Goals

Set, track and follow your posting goals. Growth on social networks is no longer simple, you need to have goals and follow them to reach your goals.

Consolidated Calendars

Get access to consolidated and updated calendars with all your posts across all your social networks. Set the calendar format you want.

Light or Dark Mode

Choose which view you prefer! 100% Customizable.

And more...


365 Organized Content Ideas for Any Niche. It’s an idea for every day of the year and to help you have consistency in your posting and put an end to the creative barrier!

Interactive and Dynamic

Set, track and follow your posting goals. Growth on social networks is no longer simple, you need to have goals and follow them to reach your goals.

Interactive and Dynamic

Set, track and follow your posting goals. Growth on social networks is no longer simple, you need to have goals and follow them to reach your goals.

Discover the Content Factory:

Contents… There are many variables for success.


For example, a YouTube channel depends on the title, script, thumbnail, editing, promotion and several other things.


And the same goes for Instagram, Tik Tok and other social networks.

But what if I gave you the best tools so you can:

  1. Test your Thumbs and Titles for free
  2. Edit Your Videos Faster
  3.  Discover new ways to promote your content.


In addition to the obvious, impeccable organization for you, exactly how you are producing and distributing your content.


Well, I have all these solutions within the Content Factory template.

See With Your Own Eyes:

If you are a content producer or social media manager, you need to stand out in this very competitive market.

And one of the best ways to stand out is through organization and quality.


This is what I will deliver to everyone:

  • Influencers
  • Social Media Managers
  • Content Designers and Editors


Who access the Content Factory.

Exclusive bonuses for those who purchase Content Factory:

Create Content with a Title and a Click (in any language).

Extra Bonus: DigiTools

from U$97,00 for


+ 100 marketing tools for you to automate your activities with artificial intelligence. DigiTools methods are very successful in the United States and Europe and have brought a lot of productivity and money into the pockets of many workers around the world. But be careful, this is a limited time offer.

What customers have to say:

Aprovado e testado!

Várias pessoas já estão usando e aproveitando o DigiTools e  todos os bônus. Esse depoimento é do Bruno (ele permitiu que fosse utilizado) e assim como ele, várias pessoas estão fazendo muito dinheiro apenas utilizando algumas dessas ferramentas e vendendo serviços.

What is the investment?



11X R$5,08

ou R$67,00 à vista



7 dias de garantia

Queremos garantir ao máximo a sua satisfação, por isso liberamos 7 dias para você decidir se vale a pena para você ou não. Caso decida que não, basta entrar em contato conosco, dentro de 7 dias, que devolveremos 100% do seu dinheiro.

Powered by:

Automating processes and mastering tools can require many hours of dedication, taking your time away from what really matters: producing. 


Notioncel is an education company in the productivity and personal and business organization sector that emerged precisely to solve the difficulty of fully using different tools in order to save time for all its clients.


With more than 1000 active and satisfied customers, the company aims to implement simple and easy access to tools that require dozens of hours of study to be fully understood and mastered.



Immediately after purchase you will receive access and can start planning all your activities, goals, habits and much more.

Yes, regardless of your area of activity, Planner will help you to be at least more productive.

Of course, everything was done thinking about those who know absolutely nothing about Notion (where Planner is). If you have any questions, we also have full support via Whatsapp and a complete tutorial for you to learn how to use the template in a simple and efficient way.

As soon as you make the purchase, you will receive the access link in your email. Just create your password and enter the platform.

Clear! Anywhere: computer, tablet or cell phone!

A partir do momento que você duplicar seu template ele será seu e você poderá utilizá-lo sem nenhum tipo de custo adicional.

Yes, it is 100% safe. Hotmart is one of the largest course hosting companies in World.

E antes que você ache bobagem lembre-se de 2 coisas:

Uma recomendação, de um software de automação de tarefas, pode te economizar muito tempo. Mas uma recomendação de um software de automação de tarefas melhor e mais barato, além de tempo vai te economizar dinheiro e aumentar seu faturamento.

Quando nós fazemos algo, fazemos bem feito: olha só alguns depoimentos de nossos clientes:

All rights reserved © Notioncel